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Dental Checkups and Teeth Cleanings – Willow Park, TX

The Foundation of Healthy, Happy Smiles

At first, you can take care of your baby’s smile with a few simple practices, like using a damp, clean washcloth to wipe down their gums. However, there will come a time when they need to come in for routine dental checkups and teeth cleanings as well. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, those visits should begin around their first birthday (or sooner if their first tooth emerges before then). If you’d like to learn why these biannual visits are important and what your child can expect, then read on!

Why Choose Stroud Pediatric Dentistry for Dental Checkups and Teeth Cleanings?

  • Two Caring and Compassionate Dentists
  • Dental Insurance Welcome
  • After-School Appointments Available

Why are Regular Dental Checkups & Cleanings Important for Kids?

Child smiling and giving dentist a high five

There’s a prevalent myth that preventive care, including routine dental checkups and teeth cleanings, isn’t essential for kids. After all, their baby teeth are eventually going to fall out, right? While that’s true, that doesn’t mean they don’t serve an important purpose. Quite the opposite; your child’s primary teeth help them chew their food, communicate clearly, and smile confidently. Plus, they act as a placeholder for their adult teeth, preserving the alignment of their bite in the process.

What to Expect During a Pediatric Dental Checkup

Child smiling at dental checkup

Usually, the very first visit is dedicated to our pediatric dentists simply getting to know you and your little one, taking a look at their teeth and gums, and sharing their recommendations and tips. As the years go on, the exam will get a bit more involved. They will examine the condition of each tooth, monitor the development of your child’s jaw, and take annual X-rays to see how their wisdom teeth are developing. If at any point they find something concerning – like a cavity – they will bring it to your attention and help you determine the best way to move forward.

What to Expect During a Pediatric Dental Cleaning

Child smiling in mirror after dental cleaning

The cleaning portion of these routine visits is essential because it’s easy for food particles, plaque, and other debris to get left behind while brushing and flossing, especially while your child’s fine motor skills are developing. Plus, only the special tools we have at our office can remove caked-on tartar. We’ll also floss between each tooth, polish their teeth, and provide any pointers we have on how to improve their at-home oral hygiene regimen.